Support Us
As a small independent school, we rely heavily on fundraising and support.
Every bit of support allows us to invest more in the education and therapies we can provide for our pupils.
If you would like to make a donation, you can do so via JustGiving or via any of the below. Thank you so much for supporting the Llewellyn School, we greatly appreciate every donation of support we receive.
Louie's Helping Hands
Account Name: Louie’s Helping Hands
Account Number: 53755312
Sort Code: 20-54-25
Donations made through Just Giving webpages are secure and will benefit from automatic Gift Aid if you are a UK taxpayer.
Just Giving
Amazon Smile
Amazon Smile
Amazon Wish List
The Llewellyn School Amazon Wish List
We often add things to our wish list that are usually valuable resources to our pupils to help improve their education.
Often it is things like Art Supplies, and equipment for our Forest School Area.
Amazon Wish List
To donate to Louie’s Helping Hands by cheque, simply make the cheque payable to ‘Louie’s Helping Hands’ and send it to the following address:
Louie’s Helping Hands
C/o The Llewellyn School
Quex Park, Birchington, Kent
If you would like to hold a fund raising event we would love to hear from you!
We welcome your support, suggestions and input.