Our Core Offer
School Offer for SEND
It has been shown that many children with SEND need a stress-free environment with few other pupils and a high adult/child ratio. We believe at The Llewellyn School that the educational, social and emotional needs of each child are best served in a small-scale environment.
The Llewellyn School accepts that this environment does not suit every SEND pupil but for those who need a bespoke curriculum and the opportunity to thrive with few external or anxiety raising distractions the school is starting to show good results for pupils.
“We believe the staff are happy, caring and able to provide a safe a stimulating environment for our daughter and children like her. I cannot give enough praise The Llewellyn School and Nursery have very much improved and enriched our lives.”
Levels of Support and Provision Offered
Clear rationale for the delivery of all revised National Curriculum areas.
Detailed curriculum planning/delivery for all subjects, with clear differentiated learning outcomes to provide all pupils/students with challenge evidenced through our rationale Pre-formal learning and Formal learning.
Key learning indicators written for non-core subject areas to aid the differentiation of learning outcomes for each learner accordingly Pre-formal learning.
Detailed planning based upon robust assessment of learning (Pre-Formal learning and Formal learning) evidenced via pupil’s personal learning plans
On-going assessment of pupil’s progress and attainment.
Opportunities to enhance and enrich Spiritual, Moral, Social, Cultural (SMSC) outcomes throughout the curriculum regardless of needs type fully incorporating the promotion of British Values.
1:1 Teaching sessions based upon robust assessment outcomes.
Specialist curriculum to support different needs types of learners based upon robust assessment outcomes (MSI curriculum)
Flexible Curriculum based upon assessment of need – Personal Learning Plans
Visual timetables in all rooms
Whole school behaviour policy
Flexi Schooling Agreement between the parents and the school
Education out of School (personalised learning pathways)
Multisensory approach used within structured Teaching and Learning sessions
Personalised assessment of learning needs within Multi-Sensory Impairment (MSI) curriculum identifying domains/phases for each learner
Social and Communication
Differentiated learning outcomes (key skills) identified through robust assessment of learning within all curriculum areas (Pre-formal learning)
End of year reports to parents/carers
Annual review of EHC Plan
Individual Education Plans (IEP)
Visual timetables/targets
Ongoing assessments of pupil’s progress and attainment
Analysis of data to show progress over time (EYFS/P level and National Curriculum levels)
Use of Makaton/Exchange of pictures
Differentiation of resources to underpin teaching
Bespoke teaching route achieved via personal learning plan (Pre-formal/Formal))
Personalised learning timetables
Personalised learning areas
AAC (Augmentative, Alternative Communication)
Sequence Strips
Objects of Reference used to support structured teaching and learning sessions
1:1 Teaching Support where appropriate
Music Therapy sessions
Lego Therapy sessions
Interplay sessions
Cued Articulation
Use of appropriate switch technology
Use of multi sensory resources
Multi-Agency advice and guidance to inform/enhance Teaching and Learning (Pre-formal and Formal)
Bespoke AAC equipment and plans
One-to-one Specialist Coaching and CBT
Day2Day books
Communicating with parents/carers policy fully informs practice
Annual Christmas performance
Reports to parents
Six monthly (EYFS)
Annual Review of EHCP
Whole school Open Days /Celebrations
Language Days
School texting service
School e mail service
School web-site
IEP outcomes meetings
Pupil progress meetings
School newsletter
Web site compliance
End of academic year school report for each pupil/student
Coffee mornings to be initiated
CIC (Child in Care) Reviews
Child in Need Reviews
Early support/TAC meetings
LSN Mission Statement underpins the promotion of British Values and SMSC development across the school providing meaning for each pupil of the school
Positive learning environment with excellent staff role models
Personal Social & Health curriculum as a core curriculum subject
A body of staff trained in first aid for the safety of all pupils
All pupils have risk assessments
Therapy through Music
Therapy through Art
SWIIPE profiles (Social, Wellbeing, Intellectual, Involvement, Physical and Emotional)
Multi-sensory equipment
Physiotherapy guidance incorporated into classroom practice
OT guidance incorporated into classroom practice
IEP Targets (Care Plans)
CIC (Child in Care) Reviews
Physiotherapist support
Occupational Therapist support
Moving and Handling trainer on the school staff
Moving and Handling assessments in place for appropriate pupils
Personalised Moving and Handling passports
Safe spaces
Horse riding
Swimming/water activities (from PT recommendations)